Nutrition Counselling

Using a balanced diet and healthy eating habits to ensure the well-being of your cat or dog.

Your pet’s health is heavily influenced by the foods they consume. Simply feeding your pet food is not giving them the best care. It is very important to have your pet’s diet examined to see how the food they eat benefits them. At Langdon Veterinary Clinic, we offer nutrition counselling that helps with your pet’s growth, lifestyle and quality of life.

What happens during nutrition counselling?

A nutritional consult begins with a physical examination of your pet. Our veterinarians check for any abnormalities and record your furry friend’s growth. Veterinarians typically ask about the pet’s eating habits, lifestyle, types of foods they are fed, as well as how often they are given food and water. It’s basically a conversation to figure out the pet’s daily nutritional intake. Owners are also given the opportunity to ask questions about new foods before they are introduced to the patient’s diet. Based on the results from the examination, your pet may be put on a special diet that eliminates or adds certain foods. We may also recommend supplements for extra nutrients.

Why does my pet need nutrition counselling?

All pets need nutrition counselling even if they look healthy. A pet owner may be feeding their pet foods manufactured for their age or breed, but they may need more nutrients for their development. Manufactured foods are not specifically made to cater to your individual pet’s needs. With a nutritional consult a veterinarian may recommend foods that are enriched with specific nutrients for your pet’s unique case. It’s also a chance for owners to know what they are doing right in their pet’s diet. To learn more about nutrition counselling, call us at 403-936-4571.

What food should I feed my pet?

Choosing food for your pet can be difficult as they can’t tell you what they like and they also don’t know what’s healthy for themselves. The decision lies with you and you should always seek the help of our veterinarians. We will happily recommend food brands that are suitable for your pet and also readily available at our store. When you get to the pet food aisle look for bags with the wording “complete and balanced” as they typically have a good amount of nutrients. Their foods should also have proteins, fats, carbohydrates, antioxidants and minerals.

Are there special foods for my senior pet?

Yes, there are special foods for seniors. Due to their aging bodies they require more from the foods they eat to keep up with their lifestyle. Seniors are more prone to certain illnesses. With this in mind, the food they eat can boost their immune system. If your senior pet has a condition our nutritionist can create a special diet that may help reduce the effects of their illness. Of course, this will be used in combination with other treatments and medications prescribed for their condition.

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